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logo 30 • das CAMLOG Partner-Magazin • Juli 2013 27 PRAXISFALL [1]. Wismeijer D, Van Waas MA, Vermeeren JI, Mulder J, Kalk W. Patient satisfaction with implant-supported mandibular overdentures. A comparison of three treatment strategies with ITI-dental implants. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1997;26:263-267. [2]. Thomason JM, Feine J, Exley C, Moynihan P, Muller F, Naert I, et al. Mandibular two implant-supported overdentures as the first choice standard of care for edentulous patients--the York Consensus Statement. Br Dent J 2009;207:185-186. [3]. Assuncao WG, Barao VA, Delben JA, Gomes EA, Tabata LF. A comparison of patient satisfaction between treatment with conventional complete dentures and overdentures in the elderly: a literature review. Gerodontology 2010;27:154-162. [4]. Attard NJ, Zarb GA. Long-term treatment outcomes in edentulous patients with implant-fixed prostheses: the Toronto study. Int J Prosthodont 2004;17:417-424. [5]. Tallgren A. The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar ridges in complete denture wearers: a mixed-longitudinal study covering 25 years. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:120132. [6]. Cawood JI, Howell RA. A classification of the edentulous jaws. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1988;17:232-236. [7]. Muller F, Hernandez M, Grutter L, Aracil-Kessler L, Weingart D, Schimmel M. Masseter muscle thickness, chewing efficiency and bite force in edentulous patients with fixed and removable implant-supported prostheses: a crosssectional multicenter study. Clinical oral implants research 2012;23:144-150. [8]. Wolfart M, Weber V. Abnehmbarer Zahnersatz auf Implantaten - implantatgestützte Versorgungsformen im zahnlosen Kiefer. Logo 2013:15-21. [9]. Krennmair G, Seemann R, Fazekas A, Ewers R. Patient satisfaction and preference with ball anchor and Locator retained mandibular implant overdentures: A cross-over clinical trial. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012 accepted. [10]. Krennmair G, Suto D, Seemann R, Piehslinger E. Removable four implant-supported mandibular overdentures rigidly retained with telescopic crowns or milled bars: a 3-year prospective study. Clin Oral Implants Res 2012;23:481-488. LITERATUR