iSy® Casebook

iSy Implantatsystem – ein Casebook | 63 Literatur Dr. Dr. Manfred Wolf Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Dr. Manfred Wolf Steinstraße 18 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Seit 1985 niedergelassen in eigener Praxis Gerichts- und Implantologiegutacher Obergutachter Implantologie in Baden-Württemberg Über 50 Publikationen in verschiedenen Fachjournalen Mehr als 250 selbstständig durchgeführte Fortbildungsveranstaltungen Zertifiziert zur Implantologie BDIZ, LZK-BW [1] Stawarczyk B, Keul Ch, Beuer F, Roos M, Schmidlin P: Tensile bond strength of veneering resins to PEEK: Impact of different adhesives, Dental Materials Journal 2013; 32(3): 441-448 [2] Romanos G, Froum S, Hery C, Cho SC, Tarnow D: Survival rate of immediately vs delayed loaded implants: analysis of the current literature. J Oral Implantol. 2010; 36(4): 315-324. [3] Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Coulthard P, Worthington HV: Interventions for replacing missing teeth: 1- versus 2-stage implant placement, The Cochran Library, 2007, Issue 3. [4] Franchini I, Capelle M, Fumagalli L, Parenti A, Testori T: Multicenter retrsopective analysis of 201 consecutively placed camlog dental implants. Int j of perodonitics Testorative Dent 2011; 31(3): 255-63. [5] Cordaro L, Torsello F, Chen S, Ganeles J, Brägger U, Hämmerle C: Implant-supported single tooth restoration in the aesthetic zone: transmucosal and submerged healing provide similar outcome when simultaneous bone augmentation is needed. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Oct;24(10):1130-6. [6] Maló P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A, Gravito I: Single-Tooth Rehabilitations Supported by Dental Implants Used in an Immediate-Provisionalization Protocol: Report on Long-Term Outcome with Retrospective Follow-Up; Clin Implant Dent Relat Res . 2015 Oct;17 Suppl 2:e511-9. doi: 10.1111/cid.12278. Epub 2014 Dec 23 [7] Becker K, Mihatovic I, Golubovic V, Schwarz F: Impact of abutment material and dis-/re-connection on soft and hard tissue changes at implants with platform-switching. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Aug;39(8):774-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01911.x. [8] Schwarz F, Alcoforado G, Nelson K, Schaer A, Taylor T, Beuer F, Strietzel FP: Impact of implant-abutment connection, positioning of the machined collar/microgap, and platform switching on crestal bone level changes. Camlog Foundation Consensus Report. Clin Oral Impl. Res. 0, 2013, 1-3 doi:10.1111/crl.12269. [9] Atieh MA, Ibrahim HM, Atieh AH: Platform switching for marginal bone preservation around dental implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JPeriodontol. 2010 Oct;81(10):1350-66. doi: 10.1902/ jop.2010.100232. [10] Linkevicius T, Puisys A, Steigmann M, Vindasiute E, Linkeviciene L: Influence of Vertical Soft Tissue Thickness on Crestal Bone Changes Around Implants with Platform Switching: A Comparative Clinical Study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014 Mar 28. doi: 10.1111/ cid.12222. [Epub ahead of print]. [11] Lee A., Fu JH., Wang HL. :Soft tissue biotype affects implant success; Implant Dent 20.3 (Juni 2011), S. 38–47. [12] Thoma DS, Benic GI, Zwahlen M, Hammerle CH, Jung RE: A systematic review assessing soft tissue augmentation techniques. Clin Oral Implants Res 2009;20:146-165. [13] Sculean A, Chappuis V, Cosgarea R: Coverage of mucosal recessions at dental implants. Periodontol 2000 2017;73:134-140. [14] Mizraji G, Davidzohn A, Gursoy M, Gursoy UK, Shapira L, Wilensky A: Membrane barriers for guided bone regeneration: An overview of available biomaterials. Periodontol 2000. 2023 Oct 19. doi: 10.1111/prd.12502.